Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I'm feeling determined. Let's see how long it lasts...

This is my 21st blog.
I kid you not.
I'm sure there are people who have more, but I keep starting them and losing interest after a month or two. Then 6 months later I remember about all my lonely unloved blogs sitting here in the bloggersphere and I come back. I always end up starting a new one. Usually because I've lost the particular 'mojo' or 'tone' I had before and it just seems easier to start afresh.
Well, this time I'm determined that this blog will last!!
We'll see how long I manage to keep it going this time, shall we?
I suspect another thing not keeping me blogging was the lack of followers. After all, what's the point of blogging if no one's going to read it?
Well, if you don't blog in the first place there's nothing for anybody to read is there?
So, I'm going to blog regardless of whether anyone reads it. This is me, just writing about the random stuff that happens in my life. And let me tell you, there's been some pretty random things in the last 12 months!
To give you a little background info on me (without giving away my identity of course :P) I'm currently located in Canberra - Australia's capital city. I was born here and lived in the same house till I was 11, and then we upped and moved to New Zealand. I spent all my teens in Wellington, and then we moved back to Canberra almost exactly a year ago. I have one half brother (we share the same mother) who is 16 years older than me. We have the best brother-sister relationship of anyone I know, and I am also an Aunty to his delightful 18month-old son.
I'm nearly 19, and was homeschooled since I was 9. Nine years seems like a really long time - half my life! But I've loved it, and wouldn't have it any other way. Because of the homeschooling thing, I've had lots of spare time! My mine passions are music, photography and theatre. I sing, play acoustic guitar and piano, and write songs. In an ideal world, I'd have a career in music and sell multi-platinum albums. And I am working towards that, but at a later date - I want to grow up before I get mega-famous and don't have the chance to. I'm currently in a band, but we're still in the really early stages of formation and we don't even have a name yet. So until I get my "big break" or realise it's never gonna happen, I'm heading for a career in photography. I recently used all my savings (and got a massive loan from my parents) to buy a new camera. A Canon EOS 60d. Love love love it! I'll be sure to share some of my photos throughout the blog.
So that's really all you need to know about me at this point. You'll find out more as this blog goes on, and I promise I'll try and makes the posts interesting and entertaining!
My dad is cooking our dinner at present, and it smells soooo good! This beautiful pasta dish we have lots during the summer. Sadly, summer is officially over here in the Southern hemisphere, and today certainly feels autumnal!! Cold wind, cloudy all day, rain... Time to drink lots of hot cuppas and turn on the gas heating!
I'm going to end all my blog posts the way I always end my diary entries - with a lyric from song I love at that moment, or that describes an aspect of my life.
Dinner is calling...
Night world!

~ I ain't here to do anything half way
   Don't give a damn what anyone might say
   I just wanna free-fall for a while ~
- Gloriana, 'Wild At Heart'

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