Thursday, March 8, 2012

So far so good...

Well, it's day 2 of this blog, and I'm already back!
This is usually the way it works, so we'll see how long I can keep it up!
I'm looking forward to today :)
My mother and I are babysitting my nephew all day, and hanging out with him is one of my favourite things to do. He's at that age where he's saying up to 5 or 6 new words a day. He said 'strawberry' to us on Monday. Well, he said his version of strawberry which is "srawbree". So adorably cute. He mimics almost every single word we say, so on Monday I asked if something was getting 'boring' and he said 'boring' (of sorts) back to me.
I love being here with him and getting to watch him grow up. We have such a good relationship, and I can't wait till he's older and we can do seriously awesome stuff together. Like go to the museum and movies etc. I've always wanted to be the fun Aunty. Not the one who sends you nice presents (though I'll do that too) and never makes an effort to interact with you properly. But the one who plays games with you and takes you cool places without your parents. I never had that with my aunts and uncles. I don't have a really good relationship with any of them - or my cousins really. The cousin I'm closest to is my only cousin on my dad's side. He's 5 years older than me, but we have a huge amount in common know. He's very gifted musically, and I love watching him play guitar. But I hardly ever see him, or my other cousins. And none of them really make an effort to keep in touch with me.
I'm determined that, if I have kids, my nephew will have an Aunty AND cousins that he knows well and gets on with.

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